Saturday, October 2, 2010

Paperwork, paperwork and more... loving it!!

Paul's giggle and screams in the background as Daddy wrestles with him and they play before bed.  Oh man... here comes the hotflash!!! I loved sweating when I was playing tennis, volleyball or basketball, but at least I was expecting to  sweat.  Nothing quite like cooking from the inside out.  I guess this is the stage of life where women become the microwave:)  Paul has now grown over seven inches since we became a family 10 months ago. His speech is coming along really well and he is very clever.  He has learned to cry to get his way... however, Rick and I have decades of dealing with nieces and nephews who had already perfected this art.  We try hard not to laugh as we say no.  Life is good.

We are back to being knee deep in paperwork for the adoption of Joseph -- the name assumes we are matched with a boy. It seems strange to have to send more certified copies of our births and marriage because our certified copies are over 9 months old.    Because we now live in Washington, we have to get fingerprinted at the local police station and at the federal level.  However, it is easier this time because we look at Paul and know it is all worth it.  We are told it will go much faster this time.  we can pray.

We are loving our new house.  We finally have a grown up bedroom set... well on Tuesday our chest of drawers will be here.  Our sales person forgot them on the order... unfortunately our really good deal turned into just a good deal... but still a good deal.  We also ordered a new mattress today.  Our blinds were installed last Tuesday, so the house is shaping up.. just don't look in the garage!