Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Baptism at St. Mary's Catholic Church with Daddy in front of St. Joseph and Jesus


  1. Hey Guys!!

    So great to hear from you! Gen recognized Paul and waved to his picture on the computer. :O)
    Glad you are nearing the end of the mushy food thing. I will be so thankful when we are done with it too! Paul looks wonderful and the "No!" thing gave me a good chuckle. Gotta love active boys. ;O) Mine give me a run for my money too sometimes. I'm not looking forward to the day when one of them runs in the house with some sort of maimed body part! I don't do well with blood, lol.
    Take care and hope you keep blogging. Love to keep up with your new family!
    Lots of love,

  2. Hi Cheryl,

    Paul looks at his pictures from the surgery and says, Ow Ow Mama. He is doing really well with his speech and hearing. Starts speech therapy really soon We love reading your blog... we pull up pictures and video from the trip and he waves at you guys. He sees the Gerber snacks in the store and goes crazy in a good way -- they are his favorites.
    take care Love, Ann
